Time & space for togetherness


A trustful teamwork as well as a fair and personal social interaction is the basis of our cooperation. Creating a collegial working environment, where you feel comfortable and enjoy what you do, is very important to us. Only then we can be successful together. Therefore, all our employees cultivate a cooperative and familiar contact. Appreciation and mutual respect are the basis for this.

We support the togetherness and solidarity of our team, i.a. through joint activities.

break conversation with colleague

Look forward to:

  • Various extraordinary team events (monthly or seasonal)
  • Breaks at the barbecue with Thuringian grilled specialities
  • Our lunch forum: On the first Monday of every month, our lunch forum takes place. Everyone sits comfortably in the cafeteria, lunch is sponsored by the company management and we discuss different topics of the individual departments, which are interesting for the entire team.
  • Different team building actions

Our spacious recreation rooms with a cafeteria and a chill-out zone furnished in lounge style are ideal for taking a break and for convivial gatherings to clear your mind. Hopefully, our sun terrace (100 m²) will have a lot of visitors soon.

We also offer you following benefits

Health management

Icon Gesundheitsmanagement1

We offer our employees various possibilities for a health enhancing and pleasant working environment.


Work-life balance

Icon Work life balance

Our aim is to offer family-friendly working hours that allow our employees to combine family and career in the best possible way.


Coffee & Co.

Icon Kaffee Co

Most companies offer coffee, of course. However, you have not yet seen our coffee machine, which has been individualised by our team – for the best solvimus enjoyment.


Team events

Icon Team Events

Follower and diligent blog readers may have noticed it already. A barbecue for lunch together, a breakfast event with delicious catering or a family party. Our employees are always our top priority.


Personal training

Icon Weiterentwicklung

We support our employees in their personal and professional development. Did you find a workshop or a seminar that you would like to attend? We help you to acquire new qualifications and qualifications according to your ideas.


Modern working environment

Icon arbeitsplatz

We offer our employees a modern and ergonomic workplace as well as short information and decision-making structures. Create your workplace freely.


Attraktive workplace

attraktives arbeitsumfeld

Appreciation, uncomplicated interaction as well as active participation contribute to a positive working atmosphere and are equally important as a varied and interesting working day with exciting and innovative products.


Additional financial benefits

Icon finanzielle Zusatzleistungen

In addition to a fair salary, we offer extra benefits such as kindergarten allowance, vacation and Christmas bonus, monthly shopping vouchers and company pension plan.


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