Reading time: 2 Min.
Erik Osse
20. April 2023
As a company specializing in the production and sales of devices for consumption data metering, we are well aware that it is of utmost importance to our customers that we offer not only top-notch products, but along with them extensive consulting and training. Knowledge transfer is an integral part of ...
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Reading time: 1 Min.
solvimus GmbH
4. April 2023
Our production now benefits from our own fibre laser, adding to our auxiliary – the goods lift – from the last post in the “solvimus is growing”-series!
The fibre laser is robust, flexible and resilient, and is able to engrave plastics and various metals rapidly and reliably.
That is precisely ...
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Reading time: 3 Min.
Romy Schneider
27. February 2023
To project a smart metering infrastructure, it is crucial to know which communication technology is best suited.
Ever since the origins of smart devices, the technology has progressed as rapidly as the expectations with respect to their functionality and data availability.
The usage ranges from ...
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Reading time: 3 Min.
Erik Osse
25. January 2023
Time and again we get queries from customers' projects where installed wM-Bus meters in a property are to be comprehensibly and reliably captured and processed for energy management or energy monitoring. But how can one achieve comprehensive area-wide capturing? Which technology is required? Where precisely ...
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