Customer testimonials & feedback

“Satisfied customers are your biggest advocates and can become your most successful sales team.”

Lisa Masiello


As one of the leading providers in the field of remote meter reading, specializing in M-Bus solutions, we develop individual solutions for our customers and stand by them in the implementation of metering projects with exceptional requirements.Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Positive feedback from our customers shows us that they appreciate our work and solutions.But we can tell a lot. What is important is what our customers say about us and our services. We thank our customers for their trust and, of course, their permission to publish their feedback.


We look forward to your rating or feedback!

Feedback new customers

Feedback existing customers

Thanks for visiting us when you where in Denmark, it was super – Thanks.
The MUC.easyplus and the new function „Modbus templates“ work very well and it is a very fast way to add the Modbus meters.
Just wanted to let you know you (the team) have done a very well job around this 😃

Bjarke L. Jessen | Senior Consultant | Vitani Energy Systems A/S

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