Data concentrators for
Smart Metering
Our data concentrators, also known as data logger, are used
to acquire and store energy consumption data and they are
ideally suited for the reading on due dates.
Our data concentrators, also known as data logger, are used
to acquire and store energy consumption data and they are
ideally suited for the reading on due dates.
Our dataconcentrator or data logger are offering a quick and easy commissioning even without expert knowledge regarding the operation and the characteristics of M-Bus communication. The devices come with an integrated and easy to use configuration web page, without need of external software. Only a few settings might be changed before starting the scan procedure for finding the meters. After that, the read-out procedure and the data processing is completely automated.
The devices are collecting the data on their own, no matter which type of meter and which type of medium is involved. The stored data then gets standardised by the data loggers and is provided to other systems. It is like Plug and Play, saving time and saving effort.
For wireless communication with meters, there is an wM-Bus interface according to the OMS standard (Open Metering Systems).
One major component of our data loggers is the integrated and very powerful communication software. It is responsible for all the data processing and meter recognition. Its universal operation follows the EN 13757 without basing on meter libraries. This omits the time-consuming maintenance of such libraries. In the same breath, it allows to read-out all the meters in the market, independent which manufacturer and which medium it is. All the values, units and also the metadata is recognised and represented on the device. In addition there is an extra data field “User label” for entering unique identifiers relating to your data collection system. These systems can be connected via Ethernet and in some variants also via mobile communication.
A so-called system meter offers monitoring or logging system states in addition to the other meter values. For a better fault analysis, the time of the last readout is visualised, and the export interface has been extended by a scripting system. This allows the customer to use a versatile tool to individualise the data export even more and to make it more flexible.
With the feature Extended Maintenance logged communication history and system events, such as status messages of reports, error codes and user logins, can be analysed. This means that the customer can do the failure mode analysis on his own and resolve the issue more easily. Additionally, there is a filter function and a file export.
Thanks to Multi-Channel-Reporting (MCR) it is possible to set up 10 different configurations for sending meter data, which are executed in parallel.
Our data concentrators are for different applications:
The MUC.easyplus is an all-rounder with a variety of interfaces. The products of the family MUC500 are addressing huge meter installations: the MUC500 M in a wired and the MUC500 W in a wireless variant. The MUC.one is a compact data concentrator for M-Bus or wM-Bus for transmission of data from individual meter via NB-IoT. The MBUS-GSLE occupies a special position amongst our data concentrators. Inserted between the existing master and the meter, it serves as “second” Master in an existing M-Bus installation and is in charge of the readout and transmission of data.
Read more about our data loggers in our blog:
The all-rounder with a large variety of interfaces! Metering interfaces are M-Bus, wM-Bus (OMS), Modbus (RTU, ...
Download ManualThe powerful data logger for huge installations (up to 500 unit loads) for M-Bus meter data The MUC500 M is ...
Download ManualThe powerful data logger for huge installations for wM-Bus meter data Metering interfaces are up to two independent ...
Download ManualCompact data concentrator for M-Bus or wM-Bus for transmission of data from a meter via NB-IoT At present, ...
Download ManualSecond master in the M-Bus! No problem with the MBUS-GSLE! The MBUS-GSLE serves as “second” master in ...
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