How do we label our products? Part 4: Our further M-Bus components

In the preceding three parts we have elucidated the mysterious naming convention for our level converters, data concentrators (data loggers) and gateways, composed of digits and characters. And we have unveiled: once you know the principle, it is quite simple and logical.

Whoever is familiar with our product portfolio knows: products are still missing – more precisely two, namely from the product range of our further M-Bus components.
Our further M-Bus components multiply the benefit and the range of the M-Bus technology.

To begin with, we have the MBUS-RELA4.
It acts as a slave in the M-Bus network and can be controlled by a master according to EN 13757-3.
The M-Bus is typically employed for the transmission of meter data. Slaves are meters and sensors.
In addition to that, we offer an actor as an active control is required in certain applications. With the MBUS-RELA4, we offer a device utilizing the M-Bus for this purpose.

In practice, this is used for the feed-in management of decentralised renewable power plants. The four relays can be used to switch the feed-in capacity of the inverter between 100% / 60% / 30% / 0%. Likewise, it can be employed to activate hygienic flushing at distant places of water consumption according to regulations like the German Drinking Water Ordinance.

So, why RELA4? Right! Because it has 4 relay outputs for the direct control via M-Bus.

And last but not least, our M-Bus repeaters aka MBUS-REP125/250/500.
In general, repeaters serve as signal amplifiers to transmit communication signals over long distances. Thus, extended M-Bus networks with a higher number of meters can be handled.

Here, the naming convention is simplistic. “REP” is for Repeater and “125”, “250” and “500” indicate the unit loads, that is the maximum number of meters that can be connected to our repeater.

Now, we have explained all product names. We hope it was inspiring and has given rise to a eureka effect. 


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