An interview with our accounting and assistant team

In our new interview series, we not only introduce our great team, but our team introduces itself to each other and gets to know itself even better.

In the current interview, Sabine Höfer (Accounting, Export Representative and Management Assistant) and Katharina Berndt (Accounting, Team Assistant, Human Resources) answer the interview questions for each other. A really entertaining thing to do.


Here we go:

Why did you choose each other as a team?

Sabine: Because we are a team!

Katharina: That’s right!


How long have you been part of the solvimus team?

Katharina: Sabine has been with us for so long, I’ll have to check her personnel file first. *laughs*

Sabine: Katharina is, I have to think about it … 2018 or 2019? Since 2018!


What are your responsibilities at the company?

Sabine: Katharina is responsible for the office organisation and the telephone switchboard. For example, she orders our office supplies, takes care of our guests and tries to fulfil all the employees’ wishes.
Human Resources is also her job and she is our team assistant. She also does some additional work for the accounting department for me. You do quite a lot, right? *laughs*

Katharina: So it seems.
Sabine is the management assistant, export representative and she also manages the accounting for us. That’s also quite a lot of work and responsibility.


Describe yourself in one sentence! 

Katharina: Sabine works very precisely, looks at least twice – but it’s necessary in the accounting department – and she is also very fast and organized.

Sabine: The famous 120%.

Katharina: Exactly.

Sabine: Katharina is the friendly voice on the telephone, who is welcoming our customers and suppliers. She is helpful with everyone’s concerns and works very conscientiously.


What is the first thing you do in the office in the morning?

Katharina: Sabine is always the first in the office and because I arrive after her, I don’t really know. *laughs*

Sabine: Well, what Katharina does… I would assume that she does what I do, so the first thing is to clock in and then say “Hello” to everyone.


What’s the biggest challenge in your work?

Katharina: I would guess that the customs declarations and the export issues are the biggest challenges for Sabine, because there is always so much to consider.

Sabine: For Katharina, all the appointments she has to keep in mind. Especially between telephone and door, when everyone wants something from you, keeping calm and coordinating everything.


What is your favourite product of solvimus and why?

Katharina: I don’t know this about Sabine, I guess she likes all devices the same.

Sabine: I can’t say exactly either. I think that we didn‘t talk about that in detail. But probably the MUC. The MUC can do everything. *laughs*


What makes the team so special for you?

Sabine: The colleagues are all helpful. Nice, friendly, helpful colleagues, who like to help, even if it’s not in their own area of responsibility.

Katharina: If there is something that needs to be done, you can be sure that it will be done quickly and you don’t have to ask again.


What bothers you about your team?

Katharina: I have absolutely no idea. Sabine, what bothers you?

Sabine: I have to think about it… We often change processes that have not existed for a long time.

Katharina: Yes, that’s true… You always have to adapt quickly.

Sabine: But we are very flexible. *laughs*


If you could change one thing, what would you change at solvimus?

Katharina: Improve the communication between the departments.

Sabine: Define interfaces more precisely so that communication improves. Because the communication itself is very good.


What’s your personal motivation at work?

Sabine: For Katharina, the nice colleagues.

Katharina: For Sabine, it’s the fun at work and the familiar working atmosphere




Thanks a lot for your answers. We are happy that you’re a part of solvimus!

Do you want more insights into our teams? Check out the interviews from our sales team and our purchasing and production team.

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