An interview with our purchase and production team

In our new interview series, we not only introduce our great team, but our team introduces itself to each other and gets to know itself even better.

The first team was our sales team. In the current interview, Sandra, Purchasing and Production Clerk, and Denise, Production Employee, answer the interview questions for each other. A really entertaining thing to do.


Hello Sandra and Denise, why did you choose each other as an interview team?

Sandra: Actually, we would be in a group of three, but the third member of our team, our Uwe, is on vacation. *laughs*


How long have you been part of the solvimus team?

Sandra: Denise is part of the inventory, she already started to work here in 2009.

Denise: Sandra joined in 2015 and she is definitely not allowed to leave the production again!


What are your responsibilities at the company?

Sandra: Denise is the “cable builder”, we always used to call her that. She assembles the devices, solders, operates the drilling machine for our housings, takes care of the commissioning and also produces special cables. She does this especially well, hence the nickname “cable builder”. And we understand each other blindly. What one wants to say, the other one has already thought. *laughs*

And what are your responsibilities, Sandra?

Denise: Sandra takes care of the whole planning in the production, the purchasing and even helps to assemble.

Sandra: Generally, I am also so well occupied with planning and purchasing.


Describe yourself in one sentence! 

Sandra describes Denise: She is the “mom” in the company.

Denise: What should I say?

Sandra: Don’t say anything wrong. *laughs*

Denise: She is a good person, she helps me with everything, especially when it comes to computers.


What is the first thing you do in the office in the morning?

Sandra: We’re doing the same thing, aren’t we?

Denise: Yes, we put our working clothes on.
After that, Sandra cleans our coffee machine.

Sandra: And Denise changes the backup tape from the server.


What is the biggest challenge in your work, Sandra?

Denise: Meeting all delivery dates on time, even the tight ones!

And for Denise? What do you think, Sandra?

Sandra: Writing e-mails. Computers are not really her friends. *laughs*


What is your favourite product of solvimus and why?

Sandra answers for Denise: Our Modbus gateway MBUS-GE20M, which is the fastest to produce.

Denise: What may I say for you?

Sandra: The device that is behind you.

Denise: Oh, the MUC.easyplus. Yes, it’s great, one of our top sellers.


What makes the team so special for you?

Denise: We are all open, honest, friendly… you can rely on each other.

Sandra: We understand each other even without words.


What bothers you about your team?

*Headshaking and cluelessness*

Sandra: We get along well with everyone. *laughs*


If you could change one thing, what would you change at solvimus?

Denise answers for Sandra: Um, improving the communication between the departments even more.

Sandra answers for Denise: We would like to have a lift to the window, for the incoming and outgoing packages!


What’s your personal motivation at work?

*A short moment of silence*

Sandra: Come on Denise, say something!

Both: We just love going to work. We are like one big family here!




Thanks a lot for your insight into the company! We are happy that you‘re a part of solvimus!

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