An interview with our software developer team

In our interview series, we not only introduce our great team, but our team introduces itself to each other and gets to know itself even better.

In the current interview, our software developers Hadi Jalali Lak and Tobias Braune answer the interview questions for each other. A really entertaining thing to do.

For more insight in our team read the interviews of our sales team, purchase and production team and our accounting and assistance team.


Here we go:


Why did you choose each other as a team?

Tobias: Romy from our marketing department thus decided. Pseudo-divine providence.


How long have you been part of the solvimus team?

Hadi: I am not sure, but I believe that Tobias has been working here for 11 or 12 years.

Tobias: Right, since 2009. Hadi has been with us for 3 years, correct?

Hadi: Not quite. Almost 2 years.


What are your responsibilities at the company?

Hadi: Tobias is the head of software development and is in charge of issues reported by customers and all projects. He is more knowledgeable than all the others, at least than me. In any case he has the correct answers.

Tobias: Hadi implements certain software tasks and thus educates himself in software development. For instance in identifying problems and bug analysis, but also in many other aspects.


Describe yourself in one sentence!

Hadi replies for Tobias: I am humorous and have a very special character.

Tobias replies for Hadi: I am focused on my work, always polite and courteous.


What is the first thing you do in the office in the morning?

Hadi: Tobias drops in and begins to work right away? He possibly chats with coworkers first. I cannot see that from my office.

Tobias: I don’t know what Hadi does first as I arrive after him. *laughing*


What’s the biggest challenge in your work?

Hadi replies for Tobias: bug fixing!

Tobias replies for Hadi: Bug fixing has absolute priority! Possibly also proper grasping of task relevance as we are often faced with dynamic processes.


What is your favourite product of solvimus and why?

Tobias: For Hadi it is the Meter-Extension* – because he is dedicated to it in its entirety and independently.

Hadi: Tobias likes all models of our MUC data concentrators (data loggers) because he engineered them from the concept to the final product. The MUCs are his offspring.

*Note: The Meter Extension is a small portable device communicating via a serial interface with various types of meters. It gathers and stores the meter data and transmits them to a server or a MQTT-broker. The communication is via WIFI.


What makes the team so special for you?

Tobias: Hadi enjoys the atmosphere of trust, the short internal communication lines and getting prompt advice. He also appreciates spending lunch time together.

Hadi: All are eager to assist and very kind.

Tobias: You have to respond for me …

*all are laughing*

Hadi: Frankly, Tobias’s reply for me also applies to him.


What bothers you about your team?

Hadi: Tobias might state that I sometimes do not understand him that thoroughly.

Tobias: Hadi dislikes that nobody serves him a coffee.


If you could change one thing, what would you change at solvimus?

Tobias: Hadi would declare: I am perfectly content.

Hadi: Tobias wouldn’t want to change anything.


What’s your personal motivation at work?

Tobias: It is Hadi‘s drive to implement ideas in the world of microcontrollers, having direct access and insights to its architecture.

Hadi: Programming is Tobias‘ passion and he adores creating novelties.




Thanks a lot for your answers. We are happy that you’re a part of solvimus!


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