Our new colleague Dirk Harms in an interview

Dirk Harms has been working at the company since January 2022.
He answered a few questions on his personality and his tasks at solvimus.


Dirk, describe yourself in a movie title:

It is hard to pick a film title. Simply because there are so many that might fit.


Work is but half of the lifetime. What is your favorite leisure-time activity?

It spans from biking with a mountain bike up to touring. I also enjoy gaming, mostly strategy or role games. Occasionally I program a little in my spare time and I study new programming languages like e.g. Golang and REST.


What grasped your attention to the solvimus GmbH?

I had heard of the solvimus GmbH a long time ago as I had contact already in my prior position. It was simply a perfect fit when I was job-hunting recently.


Why did you decide for solvimus, and what left a positive impression at first contact?

What grasped my attention at first sight was that the company had continued its growth. I was at the premises two years ago and ever since a lot has changed and evolved.


Reviewing your job interview, what prompted you to accept the offer?

I had a long interview with Tobias, the head of software development at solvimus. He pointed out that one can enjoy freedom here and that one is free to try things out. For instance, the choice of the tool is free and a lot more. This has convinced me.


How was the first week at the company? How were you integrated into the team and how was your on-boarding?

I was welcomed warmly. After a brief introduction I got the immediate opportunity to be responsible for a project. All the members are very friendly and are fast to answer questions that new co-workers inevitably have. A promising start.


What do you like the most at solvimus? What is not so marvellous?

The aforementioned freedom in development and the work environment are appealing. Basic needs (free beverages, fruits and vegetables), the office space with e.g. desks adjustable to height, state of the art PCs; all this is exactly what one is seeking, that is top-notch.

Not so great is that I still have to immerse in the team, and all should collaborate more closely in projects instead of working on one’s individual share.


How do you explain your grandmother what you are doing at solvimus?

That I develop software for reading out meters, so that nobody needs to come to take a reading. This saves time and minimises stress.


Why do you enjoy working for the solvimus GmbH? (approx. three reasons)?

    • I enjoy working on the devices.

    • My co-workers are very nice.

    • An appropriate equipment and a relaxing work environment


To sum up, how would you describe the solvimus GmbH as employer to your friends?

It is a company that translates its regional background to its advantage. It offers a safe position and much freedom in development, and one is welcome to participate in decision-making. This is worth a closer look.


Dear Dirk, thank you for this interview and your frankness.


The interviews of our other colleagues and our teams are on the blog page under the category Team.

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