Our new colleague Udo Haupt in an interview

Udo Haupt has been working at the company for 8 weeks now.
He answered a few questions on his personality and his tasks at solvimus.


Udo, describe yourself in a movie title:

2001 – A Space Odyssey.


Work is but half of the lifetime. What is your favorite leisure-time activity?

I have begun apiary a while ago. Apiary is a fascinating topic for technology-minded persons. A bee colony is more than just a black box on which buttons and levers can be pushed. And once you figure out in which order to press, you end up with honey.


What grasped your attention to the solvimus GmbH?

I had solvimus on my screen for years and watch it grow. I am glad to see that startups mature.


Why did you decide for solvimus, and what left a positive impression at first contact?

The position was not tailored for me to 100%. But when I figured out what is required here, I recognised how my profile from sales and project management in a technological field fits in here. solvimus offers me great freedom, of course in combination with associated responsibility. This has enticed me. Large companies are often inert to change, even if highly recommended.


Reviewing your job interview, what prompted you to accept the offer?

I had several very detailed interviews with the executive directors, and we are alike both in personality and in professional aspects. And this tipped me to accept.


How was the first week at the company? How were you integrated into the team and how was your on-boarding?

I am the first representative of the middle management at solvimus. It came as no surprise that the on-boarding was innovative. Of utmost relevance for me was that the sales team becomes acquainted with me and that we communicate open-mindedly and trustfully. Whenever I became stuck, I had the opportunity to give feedback at any time. Assistance was then offered from all corners of the company. It is really a very cooperative attitude here.


What do you like the most at solvimus? What is not so marvellous?

I adore my freedom to operate and appreciate that my co-workers here in sales are true team players. 
My background in project management is more or less inspired from classical approaches. I am still confronted with some difficulties in agile methods. But I had presented a concept combining both approaches to project management in a way deemed optimal for solvimus. It just has yet to be implemented.


How do you explain your grandmother what you are doing at solvimus?

As my grandmothers are deceased, I’d explain that to my children. I tell them that solvimus develops technology to consume less energy and hereby to protect the climate.


Why do you enjoy working for the solvimus GmbH? (approx. three reasons)?

    • A philosophy of a unified team 
    • Being regarded on a par with the directors
    • Excellent life-work-balance


To sum up, how would you describe the solvimus GmbH as employer to your friends?

It is a stable company with healthy growth and the proper attitude. They are doing it right.


Dear Udo, thank you very much for this interview and your openness.

If you are also interested in breaking new groundd with us and joining our team, then contact us at bewerbung@solvimus.de.  
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