Revelations from a software developer at solvimus

What are the tasks of a software developer at solvimus?
We asked this question to our youngest team member in development.
Sasi granted us an insight into his day as junior software developer, ranging from his daily tasks and routines up to the cooperation with co-workers.

Sasi joined solvimus on 01 November 2022 after graduating with a Master in Mechatronics and Robotics (M.Eng.) at the FH (University of Applied Sciences) Schmalkalden.

He starts his day between 8:30 and 9:00 and browses his To-do-list and the e-mails from the previous day. This helps him to structure his day and he starts off.
His prime task is the programming of our customer-specific solutions in Smart Metering. He inspects the customer requests, discusses and assesses these in his team and integrates novel software functions. He also scrutinizes every nook and cranny of user-specific software and corrects the code, if need be. The present project is a customer-specific solution for an IoT device to read out meters which is directly supplied by the meter and transmits the data by radio.

Sasi is also entrusted with tasks related to MQTT, Azure Cloud and NB-IoT technologies.

He appreciates the freedom in shaping his work and to pick the software tools needed to accomplish his tasks. He forms a team together with his co-worker Dirk, team lead Tobias and our technical director Remo. Dirk is not only a co-worker for him, but much more a friend, always available to reply to any question with patience and charm.

His peer Tobias is a mentor, always open-minded and entertaining, who encourages him to try new paths. Further, he is a permanent source of advice and shares his expertise gained in 14 years of being a solvimusian.

Twice a month, a team meeting is held, including brunch. Individual projects and the latest development threads are being discussed there. Everyone is given an overview of the milestones and an opportunity to exchange on topics that may drop from one’s desk easily.
Sasi is delighted to be given new insights by his team into German culture, to benefit from their experience and to learn from the team members, to implement new elements in projects. He is very grateful for that.

He enjoys working here with his team, collaborating and interacting with all solvimusians, be it through common projects, company events or simply having lunch together. Likewise, he appreciates the collegial-friendly atmosphere and the positive mindset. Often, jokes are told and laughing is frequent in general. One has the impression that everyone acts in concert in order to live up to the slogan “solvimus … we solve”.

If you are curious what Sasi is doing in his free time, what he did before joining solvimus and what prompted him to join, surf to the interview given in his early days as a solvimusian.


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