Sensors, systems and processes for resource optimization – elmug4future 2021

On the 21 and 22 September, “elmug4future”, the technology conference of the industry network ELMUG e.G., opens its doors and will focus on the topic of resource efficiency from the perspective of electronic measurement and device technology.

elmug4future im ComCenter Brühl Erfurt

left to right: Thomas Brand (solvimus GmbH), Joachim Ludwig (COLANDIS GmbH), Michael Habenicht (COLANDIS GmbH), Remo Reichel (solvimus GmbH)

The efficient use of natural (air, water, land, raw materials, energy, …) and economic (employees, capital, knowledge, …) resources is a key competence of sustainable societies in a social, economic, ecological and technological context of high complexity. The “elmug4future” is dealing with this topic from the perspective of measurement and sensor technology and invites experts from science and industry to a broad dialogue.

On the first day, the speakers will examine the topic of resources from different angles. For example, through the combination of energy sources, wooden high-performance materials, Agriculture 4.0 or the carbon dioxide challenge for companies. The programme will include the positive aspects of sustainability for entrepreneurs and employees as well as a discussion round at the end of the first day.

The second day is focused on more in-depth expert presentations that consider everything from data efficiency, IT security, standards and guidelines, strain and gas sensors, fine dust filters to nutrient cycles, metallized leaf structures, water analysis and efficient land use to look at resource efficiency.

As a long-time member, we participate again this year. In the morning of the 22 September, our CTO, Remo Reichel, will give a presentation entitled “Cost-optimized communication platform for meter data in the mass market”.

In this presentation, he will draw attention to a new product family. Although our products are contributing significantly to efficiency enhancement in the industrial and commercial sector, the end consumer with only one meter hardly plays a role. Due to the cost-benefit ratio, price sensitivity is extremely high in this area. The new product family will be integrated right here. Cost and function optimization combined with global standard technologies enable the use in the international mass market.

We are looking forward to two eventful days with a lively exchange of information regarding questions and applications of measurement and sensor technology for different resources.


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