In spring 2019 we first reported on our intention to expand our office and production space to an additional 390 m2. Now we ask the decisive question: what really did occur in our facilities in these nine months? What is the present situation, and how does it look like?
A significant modification is evident already before setting foot into our offices. The facade was reworked and painted, and a modern letterbox and bell, an intercom and electronic door opener were installed. On top of it, an illuminated sign was affixed. By now, you can’t miss your way to us.

Once you walk up the stairs and turn right, you can take a glimpse at our production through a glass door. We have inaugurated these rooms on 8 November of the last year. Now we have approx. 163 m2 at our disposal and the possibility to exploit our potential even further in order to respond to the growing demand of our Smart Metering products.
Next to the production room is our new conference room. With its 109 m2, space is abundant for training courses, presentations and other events, combined with the possibility to divide it into two separate rooms using a partition.
Each Friday morning, we also spend there our 50-minute workout with a personal trainer. The solvimus GmbH strives to foster the wellbeing and the health of our staff and also gives incentives to flexible and health-promoting measures like vertically adjustable desks (inducing interim standing) and a sporty distraction.
Also, our generous cafeteria with creative spaces is awaiting intriguing discussions.
The cafeteria is open to our terrace, 100 m2 in area. As of now, we have to renounce on it. It will be completed in the near future. This is easy to overcome, given the cold and damp weather.
Why not drop in to get a personal impression of our facilities ? We would be glad to welcome you.
An ideal occasion to visit us in the upcoming Technology Afternoon on 25 June 2020. Expect intriguing presentations and case studies, combined with knowledge transfer and networking. A teaser is the review of our latest Technology afternoon.